Friday, June 15, 2012

Older Canning and Cooking Recipes

I have several books with older canning recipes in them and recipes for cooking. I am going to start sharing them with you. Keep in mind that sometimes they didn't add processing times and I may not know them. You can look up processing times in various places online. Here is one place that seems to have some good info. This one has some great pictures. If you are concerned about processing it you can always keep it in the fridge and use it soon. Also note that older recipes don't state to prepare the fruit or vegetable, like peeling, deseeding and such. If I catch it I will add it in. Here is the first recipe:
Pickled Sweet Peppers
1 cup vinegar
1 cup water
1 tsp salt
Boil these items. Cut peppers up into strips and have jars washed and dry. Put 2 garlic cloves and 1 jalepeno in each jar. Pack sweet peppers in jars and pour cooled liquid in it. Put a tablespoon of olive oil in each jar and seal up. Process for 10 minutes in a water canner. (Ball book states to pressure can bell peppers.)

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