Thursday, December 15, 2011

Whole Wheat Pancakes

My family loves pancakes and I like making them different. So I jazz up this plain recipe with different things, like pumpkin, chocolate chips or apples and we top it with more than just syrup. We are all about peanut butter or fruit, my fav is strawberry's, we got them this spring from a lady who uses very little pesticides and for strawberrys that says a lot. It tends to make a fair amount of pancakes, but they taste even better the next day.  The original recipe calls for 2 cups of whole wheat flour, I fill my measuring cup up to 1 3/4 cup with wheat flour then I add a mixture of wheat germ, ground flax seed and/or wheat bran to make up the other 1/4 cup. Why do I do this? Because of the added fiber and omega 3s it adds. I gind the flax my self, that way its cheaper. I bought my packages of it a year ago and I keep it in the freezer and I grind it with my coffee grinder. The bran and germ I get at a local Amish store, its cheaper there than walmart and comes in bigger packages. Try and make this recipe your own and let me know what you did and if you liked it, Im always looking for a way to improve recipes.

Whole wheat pancakes
2 cups whole wheat flour (again I use 1 3/4 c. then use ground flax seed, wheat germ, and/or bran)
3 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
3-4 tsp. baking powder
2 eggs
5 Tbsp oil (I use extra virgin olive oil)
1 1/2 - 2 cups milk (depending on how thick you like pancakes)

Mix the dry ingredients together then add eggs, milk and oil. Mix well and cook on a hot greased giddle. For pumpkin pancakes add a can of pumpkin with wet ingredients, with the dry ingredients add either pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. I never know how much I add I just add, stir then smell of it, if I cant smell the spices I add more. For apple pancakes cut up one apple and add with wet ingredients, I also add cinnamon to this. For chocolate chips, bananas, or berrys I sprinkle them in when the pancake is just poured on the griddle. Some things you add make the batter thicker and you may need more milk. This batter seems pretty thick in the first place as compared to regular pancakes and may need cooked a bit longer or you could just thin it out.

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